Online Therapie


90 EUR per sessie (60 min).


Het is altijd mogelijk dat je een sessie moet annuleren, dat is op zich geen probleem, maar we vragen je wel dit minstens 24 uur op voorhand te doen.

Indien je later annuleert vraag ik 50% van de prijs van een sessie als annulatie-vergoeding. Als je niet annuleert rekenen we het volledige bedrag aan.


vrijdag en zaterdag

Rue Mareyde 35, 1150 Woluwe-St-Pierre/ Bruxelles

maandag tot donderdag

Koninklijkelaan 26, 2600 Antwerpen-Berchem

Online TouchStudio is a virtual practice.

This means you can book a therapy session and get the support you need from the comfort of your own home.

You don’t have to be concerned about meeting anyone in the way to the therapy office, catching a virus, getting stuck in traffic or finding a parking place! 

Sit on a comfortable chair (yes! we need a chair for Somatic Therapy and not your bed or sitting on the floor), search for a private and silent spot in your house and perhaps have a cup of tea or glass of water. 

Your personal process is completely private and safe.

How does it work?

  1. Email me to schedule a session. You will get an intake questionnaire, fill it in and send it back to me by email, that will help us prepare better your session. 

  2. Have in mind which topic brings you to therapy where it’s delicate or difficult for you and hence you require support.

  3. Pay the fee of 90 EUR for a single session through a bank transfer: IBAN: BE07 7370 3545 5866 en BIC: KREDBEBB

  4. Mention your name and date of appointment. Once done, you will get a zoom link.

  5. Make sure your computer or electronic device is charged and that you don’t have to hold it on your lap or hands. Sit preferably facing of a source of light (window or lamp) and not behind that, as it creates counter-light effect.

  6. Begin a therapeutic conversation with zoom or Skype at the moment of our appointment.